117 How to Build Wealth and Reduce Debt

Financial guru, Steven LaBroi shares tips that the wealthy use every day to reduce debt and build wealth.  And the wonderful news is that you do not have to be wealthy to apply these tips; but you must know what they are.

We have more student debt than ever before.  According to a Pew Research study, around four in ten (37%) households led by a person under the age of 40 currently have some student loan debt. This is the highest percentage on record. The graduating class of 2014 is also the most indebted class to ever walk the stage.

We use credit cards way too much.  One report states that the average household owes around $15,607 on their credit cards. They estimate that collectively, Americans owe $880.5 billion in credit card debt, $8.07 trillion in mortgages, $1.12 trillion in student loans.

All of this debt wreaks havoc in our lives in ways we do not realize or often forget; such as destroyed marriages and relationships, mental health complications such as depression, substance abuse, and violence, just to name a few.

Steven LaBroi shares some unique ways to reduce debt, build wealth, and even create our own bank so that we can live the debt-free, stress-free and happy life we were meant to live.

116 Food Safety, Nutrition and Hunger Sponsored by HPRC

When it comes to food safety; each year, roughly 1 in 6 Americans (approximately 48 million people) get sick from foodborne illnesses.

When it comes to accessing nutritious food, the sad reality is that many Americans cannot conveniently access nutritious food at an affordable price. Some neighborhoods in America are known as “food deserts” and “food swamps;” places where it’s hard to find nutritious food and where a lot of bad food options exist.

Despite living in one of the wealthiest states in the country, many Marylanders struggle with hunger.  One in eight households constantly struggle with hunger.  Approximately 21 percent of households with children struggle to obtain enough food to eat regular healthy meals.  And nearly 10 percent of Marylanders live below the poverty line.

In this episode we discuss the startling details surrounding food safety, access to nutritious food, and hunger.  You will learn what role public policy played in creating our current food system and how public policy can help improve it.  You will also learn about the role each of us can play in influencing the public policy that can help us obtain better access to safe and nutritious foods, combat hunger, and in the end improve our overall health.

This episode is brought to you by The Health Policy Resource Consortium, also known as HPRC.  HPRC’s mission is to educate and inform the public about public policy, how public policy can improve our health, and what each of us can do to drive public policy decisions in our communities.

Byron Sogie-Thomas, HPRC’s Deputy Director for Health Policy Research and Analysis and Michael J. Wilson, the Director of Maryland Hunger Solutions are the guests for this episode.

115 Toxic Parenting: How to Identify If You Have A Toxic Style of Parenting

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults” is a quote by Frederick Douglass and the topic of this episode. Dr. Sharon R Bonds, and Marriage & Family Therapist, Carter Drew, helps us identify if we have a toxic style of parenting.  They also provide ideas on steps parents can take to become less toxic.

114 Living Their Passion – The Baker Twins

Donald and Ronald Baker talks about pursuing passionate work and making a living doing what they love.

A recent study conducted by Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities report that close to 80% of adults do not end up following through on the career paths they dreamed of during childhood.  And the remaining 20% of people who do pursue childhood imaginations are overwhelmingly happy and consider themselves to be successful.

Donald and Ronald Baker fall into that 20% category.  Ronald and Donald Baker are twins who were adopted at birth and both are world renowned photojournalists in the Washington, D.C. area.  They have photographed such greats as Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, exclusive photographers of the Jackson 5, President Barack Obama, Stevie Wonder, Alex Haley and too many to name.  They have also captured historical events such as the Million Man March and several Presidential Inaugurations just to name a few.

The Baker twins talk about how they got their start and the creative ideas they utilized to become living legends in the world of photojournalism.

113 What You Need To Know About Open Enrollment 2017 – Sponsored by the Health Policy Research Consortium

obamacare-healthDo you have questions regarding Open Enrollment and the future of Obamacare? If so, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the topic of this episode.  Byron Sogie Thomas of the Health Policy Research Consortium and Ben Turner of the Primary Care Coalition discuss and answer questions about the Open Enrollment process.

Ben Turner outlines seven steps to get you through the open enrollment process and Byron Sogie Thomas talks about how we can have our voices heard when it comes to any changes in policy surrounding the future of the Affordable Care Act.

If you have questions regarding the lingo, be sure to visit www.destinationhealth.me.  It is written at the 4th grade level and contains videos and more to help you better understand the definitions.

Visit www.hprc.info for more information.

112 From Victim to Victorious: How I Survived Sexual Abuse by My Biological Father

SIN_A4_PRESS2_UKIRE_PrintNatasha Elliott talks about how she survived childhood sexual abuse by her biological father.  Mark Elliott, her husband of seventeen years also talks about the role he played in helping Natasha’s journey from victim to victorious.

Natasha points out that there are always signs that reveal a child is a victim of sexual, mental, or emotional abuse.  And Natasha points out some key signs that parents must pay close attention to and never ignore.

Natasha and Mark are on a mission to help victims of sexual abuse heal from the pain and also help their loved ones understand how to love them through the pain.

111 The Makings of a Good Father

father-men-dadFranklyn Malone, Founder & CEO of the 100 Fathers, Inc.; David W. Smith Sr., Co-founder of the Children’s Rights Fund; Carter Drew, Leadership & Manhood Development, Carter & Reynolds Group; and David Grogan, Shared Custody & Political Activist, talk about the great work they are doing in their communities to improve the father-child relationship.

During this episode, we discuss the social ills of a father-absenteeism, the seven things every father should tell his daughter, the importance of shared custody, what makes a good father, a mother’s ability to raise a boy to become a man, and more.

110 Perspectives: Presidential Election 2016

putin_hillary_trumpThe 2016 Presidential Election was the topic of this episode.  Political Strategist, Patricia Mitchell; Former US Marshall (DOJ) David Grogan, and Film/TV Actor, Garret Davis shared their perspectives about both Hillary and Trump, the three presidential debates, voting, locker room talk, how they planned to cast their votes, and much more.


109 Breast Cancer Awareness with the Health Policy Research Consortium

breast-cancer-logoIn recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mr. Byron Sogie-Thomas, Deputy Director for Health Policy Research & Analysis at the Health Policy Research Consortium, and Dr. Edith Mitchell, Professor of Medical Oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center and past President of the National Medical Association shared their knowledge about breast cancer.

In this episode we have a frank discussion about the causes breast cancer, the risk factors, who’s at risk, what we know about prevention, breast cancer in men, what the current research  shows, how public policy can help reduce the burden of this disease, including how to pay for screenings and the ease of navigating the health care system if you or a family member has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and more.

Breast cancer strikes fear in the heart of women and far too many continue to die from this disease.   This is especially true for African American women, who are more likely to die from breast cancer, even though they are diagnosed at the same rate as White and Hispanic women.

hprc-logo3This episode was sponsored by the Health Policy Research Consortium, also known as HPRC.  HPRC’s focus is public policy and their goal is to keep you informed about the many ways that public policy can affect your health.  To learn more about HPRC’s research findings, blogs, events, and their Health Connect Prince George’s mobile app, please visit their website at www.hprc.info.


108 Ten Things Christians Should Consider Before Arguing with Atheists

god-science-religion-atheistWith the rise of religiously unaffiliated Americans, the number of atheists and agnostics has practically doubled since 2007. According to a 2014 Pew Religious Landscape Study, 3.1% of American adults say they are atheists.  This number is up from 1.6% from 2007.  In addition, 4% of American adults say they are agnostics, which is up from 2.4% in 2007.

So with this rise in not only religiously unaffiliated Americans, but also a more vocal group, Michael Lehmann shares how to have a graceful communications when encountering atheists and agnostics.

Photo credit:  Blue Mountain Arts

107 How to Fight for Environmental Justice in Your Community (Sponsored by HPRC)

environment1In many places around the country there is growing concern about the health effects of environmental hazards, from lead in the water, to nitrogen dioxide in the air.  These hazardous toxins can turn our communities into death traps. And there is plenty of evidence that these dangers are not equally borne by all populations.

Byron Sogie-Thomas with Health Policy Research Consortium, also known as HPRC discusses the role of public policy in preventing or correcting environmental hazards and improving our health.

Kamita Gray and Al Weaver, leaders of the Brandywine Two Bridges Southern Region Neighborhood Coalition talk about how they are using community engagement to drive public policy in their fight with a very large environmental hazard; namely emissions from not one, but a third fossil-fuel power plant in their neighborhood in Maryland.

Neil Gormley with Earth Justice in Washington, DC talks about this entire issue of Environmental Justice and what we can do to protect our communities from these environmental hazards.

106 Did God Create Evil?

god-create-evilMany people have an opinion about how evil was created.  Rev. Thea Wilson, Dr. Susan Smith, Dr. Willie Jolley, and Minister Dentis Shaw engage in a passionate discussion regarding their interpretation of scripture as it relates to the question, “Did God Create Evil?”

Does Satan need permission from God to do evil works or can he just do what he wants without question?

Is it right to portray God as an all-loving God when there is so much evil in the world and when scripture clearly states that God has done what appears to be evil things in the Old Testament?

And if God is all good then how can we have all of these killings?  Why doesn’t He intervene?

My guests tackle these questions and more.

105 Why We End Up in Dead End Relationships and How to Get Out of Them

dead-end-relationshipDr. Nina Brown, author of “Dead-End Lovers: How to Avoid Them and Find True Intimacy” helps us understand why we keep picking unsuitable lovers. Dr. Brown calls them “Dead-End Lovers.”  We will learn how to spot them early, how to avoid them, and the psychological needs we have that attracts us to them.

Dr. presents five personal psychological lures and attractions we possess, such as;

  1. Being a Saver
  2. Searching for Excitement
  3. Craving Attention and Admiration
  4. Finding a Mirror
  5. Rebellion against Convention

Dr. Brown shares 7 out of 17 clear signs of unsuitability and tells us how to spot the “Five Types of Unsuitable Lovers:”

  1. Hurting and Needy
  2. Risk-Taking and Rebellious
  3. Charming and Manipulative
  4. Self-Absorbed
  5. Exotic and Different

So if  your relationship is on a one-way street to nowhere OR if you find that you keep getting into relationships with unsuitable lovers; Dr. Brown provides steps you can take to move away from dead-end relationships so that you can ultimately get the loving relationship you deserve.

104 Vaccinations & Immunizations – Health Policy Research Consortium (HPRC)

vaccine shot immunizationAugust is National Immunization Awareness Month, which is an annual observance that highlights the importance of vaccinations.

Dr. Willarda Edwards and Byron Sogie-Thomas from the Health Policy Research Consortium discuss the importance of getting your children vaccinated for the upcoming school year.  They discuss the shingles, flu, and pneumonia vaccines, and concerns about the health risks (perceived or otherwise) associated with vaccinations.

They also discuss the role of public policy in providing widespread access to vaccines, how vaccines prevent disease outbreaks, who should take them, how effective they are in saving lives and saving money, and why some people would rather not take them. You will also learn about the history of how immunizations took place before vaccinations came on the scene.


103 Is Christianity Under Siege?

christianity-under-attackReverend Joseph Deck, Reverend Thea Wilson, and Reverend Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams engage in a round-table discussion about the State of Christianity in America.

Is Christianity in America under siege?  Is it being marginalized?  Does Christianity have an image problem, or have Christians been spoiled with Christian privilege for so long that now they must make room for people of all belief systems?

These are just a few questions that are discussed during this episode.