063 What’s Going On In The World Today?

Whats-Going-On2Dr. and Pastor Alfonzo Surrett, Dr. Bruce Purnell, and Attorney Talib Karim come together to share their perspectives to answer the question “What’s Going On in the World Today?” regarding issues surrounding fatherhood, single mother households, voting, encounters with police, and the prison industrial complex (PIC).

They will also recommend changes that we can make at the individual level instead of waiting for the government and elected officials to initiate change and enforce our basic human rights.

062 Taming Our Tongue


According to Pastor Alfonzo King Surrett, Jr., “Words are the primary tool through which we are able to express our feelings, desires, beliefs, needs, and thoughts to others.” Most of us under-estimate or do not realize how powerful words are and the tremendous impact they have on our lives.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that the power of life and death are in the tongue. Now, more than ever, we need to focus on “Taming Our Tongues” because with social media, texting, and the internet; we are spewing out more words than any time in our history.

061 How To Heal From Abuse

abuse_violencePastors Lewis and Stephanie Tucker of New Birth Kingdom Church talks about Pastor Lewis L. Tucker Jr.’s book “Damaged Goods: The Restoring Power of the Father’s Love”

In his book Pastor Lewis Tucker states that “the majority of women fall into the category called “damaged goods” due to some form of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse, which leaves them emotionally wounded and mentally scarred.

Pastor Stephanie Tucker, who once considered herself to be “damaged goods” due to childhood sexual abuse, joins Pastor Lewis Tucker to share with women how they can heal and transform themselves from “damaged goods” to “precious gems.”








060 Your Vote Matters

060 Dwight Pettit_Voting5Attorney A. Dwight Pettit talks about why your vote matters, especially during what’s called “off-season” elections.  During off-season elections, citizens can cast their votes for mayors, states attorneys, sheriffs, senators, congressmen, and other important offices and citizen initiatives in their states.

When it comes to the recent incidents of police brutality that people of color and lower socio-economic class have experienced with police across the nation, the election that will take place on November 3, 2015 will allow citizens to vote for new Mayors, Prosecutors, and States Attorneys.  Why is this important?  Here’s why:

1.  Chiefs are appointed by a government entity such as the mayor, city manager.  However, it is the city officials (mayor, city manager, etc.) who have the ultimate say in what each police department (Chief) does.

2.  Sheriffs on the other hand are elected — appointed by the voters of their counties.

It is important to know and understand the initiatives of your mayors, prosecutors, states attorneys, sheriffs, etc. because this is where you can initiate change in the community where you live.  If police brutality is an issue in your community, then you must vote!

Be sure to Google the “Board of Elections” for your state and county for the details specific to where you live.

059 Keys to a Successful Love Relationship

Young couple holding hands with sun-flare.

Dr. Shane Perrault, shares his professional advice and personal wisdom regarding the keys to having a successful love relationship.  Dr. Shane talks about the following:

1. The proverbial serial killers of relationships that are highly predictive of breakups.

2. When there is a tremendous  imbalance in the desire for sex and how to bring it back into balance.

3. How to manage technology and social media to avoid its negative impact on your relationship.

4. Why people enter into affairs and what can be done to “affair-proof” your relationship

5. Much more…


058 Alzheimers Awareness with Gwendolyn Taitt-Relf

058 Gwen Relff Book CvrGwendolyn Taitt-Relf, author of “Why The Stars Twinkle” shares a very poignant story of her family’s seven year journey of love, forgiveness, and care-giving when Gwen’s mother was suddenly stricken with Alzheimer’s disease due to a concussion from a fall.

Why The Stars Twinkle (54 pages) will make you laugh, cry, and laugh all over again. The information contained in the book is based on 100 interviews with individuals diagnosed with Stage 1 Alzheimer’s, their families, her experiences as a caregiver to her mother, and her activities within the Alzheimer’s community.

Gwen left her high-paying job to help care for her mother who never spoke the words “I love you Gwen” until moments before her passing. Yet, when the time came for Gwen to step up to the plate, she jumped in with both feet with tremendous love for her mom and unspoken forgiveness. Gwen sat with her mom 7 days a week and developed close relationships with her mom’s new friends with Alzheimer’s, and their families.

During this seven year journey, God provided Gwen with life-changing experiences and connected her with people whose lives were caught up in the crushing grip of Alzheimer’s so that she can help others prepare for one of the most dreadful diseases that impacts 1 in 9 Americans. And with the aging baby boomer population, that number is expected to rise significantly.

Here are a few statistics taken from the Alzheimer’s Association’s  website at www.alz.org:

  1. Approximately 5.3 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s disease in 2015.  5.1 million of them are age 65 and older and approximately 200,000 are under age 65 (people with younger-onset Alzheimer’s.)
  2. One in nine people age 65 and older (11 percent) has Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. About one-third of people age 85 and older (32 percent) have Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Eighty-one percent of people who have Alzheimer’s disease are age 75 or older.
  5. Alzheimer’s disease is under diagnosed and half of the estimated 5.3 million Americans with Alzheimer’s may not have been told by a physician that they have it, which is a major issue on so many levels.

If you are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and living alone or if you are a caregiver to a loved one, Gwen wants to help you prepare, especially when it comes to the little things that you would never think about, such as the importance of dental coverage.

In this episode, Gwen talks about:

  1. The 4 key symptoms that let her family know there was a problem
  2. Seven (7) critical recommendations to prepare caregivers and those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease
  3. The 4 privileges to remove or restrict when symptoms appear or a diagnosis is received
  4. What to consider when deciding to provide care at home or facility
  5. The significant importance of dental coverage and care for Alzheimer’s patients
  6. George, the Alzheimer’s patient is sure to make you smile

Why The Stars Twinkle is available in paperback and as an e-book ($2.99) at http://ow.ly/OSM9D. Gwen Relf offers a free assessment to anyone with questions about what to expect and how to best prepare for the significant challenges that will lie ahead. You can contact Gwen through her website at http://whythestarstwinkle.com.

057 Happy Father’s Day with Dr. Willie Jolley

Dr. Willie Jolley has been described as a world-class, award-winning speaker and singer, best-selling author and media personality.  However, did you know that Dr. Jolley stepped up in a big way to help take care of his seven nieces and nephews when their father, Noble Jolley, Sr. passed away suddenly?  With two children of his own, Dr. Jolley found himself a father and father figure to nine children.

Dr. Willie Jolley is perfect for this Father’s Day show because he can speak about Fatherhood from several perspectives.  A single father raising a son, a father marrying into a blended family, a father with an extremely busy career requiring him to be away from the household, and a father who took on the responsibilities of being a father figure to his deceased brother’s seven children.

In this segment, Dr. Jolley talks about the following topics and so much more:

  • The first step fathers can make to make a comeback if they have experienced a setback in their relationship with their children.
  • There are a few life lessons where only a father or father figure can help raise a son to be a man.
  • Life lessons fathers can teach their daughters about selecting a mate and pursuing her career.
  • The best Father’s Day gift that children can give to their dads.
  • More…

To learn more about Dr. Willie Jolley, visit his website at www.williejolley.com

056 Marriage: What You Need to Know Before Saying “I Do”

marriagePastors Lewis and Stephanie Tucker talk about the keys to a successful marriage. Pastor Lewis Tucker is the author of the book “The Two Will Become One Flesh: What Every Couple Needs to Know Before and After They Say “I Do.”

During their 12 years in ministry, officiating weddings and providing premarital and marital counseling, they discovered that the couples with the most problems in their marriage are those who have not received the requisite skills to successfully merge two lives into one.

The Tuckers have been blissfully married for almost 18 years and is passionate about helping other couples experience what they have.

Pastor Stephanie Tucker talks to wives about the true meaning of “submission” and what it looks and feels like.

This segment is filled with tons of Pastor Lewis Tucker’s marital nuggets of wisdom.  Here are just a few:

  • The world would be a better place if every husband treated his wife like the queen she was meant to be
  • If we all focused less on our careers and more on each other. If we were more concerned about our families than our portfolios… our kids would be happier, well adjusted, and our marriages would last.
  • If husbands treat their wives better emotionally, wives will treat their husbands better sexually
  • If husbands never stop dating their wives, they will always have a wife and a girlfriend

It’s been said that marriage doesn’t come with a set of instructions well not any more because the Tucker’s book, The Two Will Become One Flesh: What Every Couple Needs to Know Before and After They Say ” I Do “is meant to be an instructional guide for couples who are engaged, considering marriage, or already married to equip them with the tools to be successful. It even includes an appendix with instructions on how to plan a wedding service.  The book is available at amazon.com.

055 District Jumping: The Price A Mother Paid to Better Educate Her Children

Kelley Williams-Bolar’s story made national headlines in 2011 when she was arrested and convicted of 2 felonies for sending her two daughters to school outside of their residential school district, but in a district where Kelley’s father resided. This is called District Jumping.  The pain Kelley and her father suffered for this decision is heart-wrenching. Most horrific of all is that Kelley’s father passed away while in custody for allowing his daughter to use his address to send his two granddaughters to a better school.

In this segment, Kelley talks about her journey from indictment to redemption and how she is making a difference in the lives of other parents and helping to change the “District Jumping” laws across the United States, so that parents will no longer have to serve jail time.

District jumping is more common than you know and not everyone is aware that parents who break this law could be charged with one or more felonies.  I strongly encourage you to download Kelley’s  E-book, “The Kelley Williams-Bolar Story; Justice is Just Like Beauty; It’s in the Eyes of the Beholder” at Amazon.com.

054 How to Live Happier After Divorce

DivorceWilma Jones, Author of “Living Happier After” shares 5 key steps on how to live a “happier” life after divorce.  She talks about how to manage the negative thoughts and attitudes about the “Ex,” your future, how to handle post-divorce issues surrounding the children, the ex’s new lover, child support/alimony, and dating again, so that you CAN live happier after the divorce.

Wilma Jones is an author, speaker and coach dedicated to helping women redefine and build happier lives after divorce, including improving their co-parenting skills to build stronger families and communities.

053 Triumph Over Tragedy: Falsely Accused

Natasha Brown talks about her true life story of being falsely accused of stabbing her ex-boyfriend nine times and three other individuals.  Natasha found herself faced with a $100,000 bond and up to 25 years in jail for six felonies, if convicted.  Natasha talks about her journey through despair and deliverance when the charges are dropped and the ten spiritual blessings she received that changed her life forever.

The ten blessings that Natasha received from God are:

  1. Becoming Cool
  2. Faith
  3. A Gentle Tongue
  4. Discernment
  5. The Building Circle
  6. God-given Strategy
  7. Fearlessness
  8. Servant-Leadership
  9. Grace
  10. Peace

052 – Elder Care and End-of-Life Planning

seniorsThe month of May is recognized as “Older Americans Month.”

Guests Karren Pope-Onwukwe, prominent Elder Law and Disability Rights Attorney and Daniel Rutherford Wilson, the National and Federal Programs Director of the Denver-based nonprofit, Compassion & Choices talks about how to plan and prepare for the challenges that face older Americans.

Some of the topics in this segment include:

  • End of Life Issues, such as Wills, Trusts, and Legal Guardianship
  • Planning for incapacity, such as preparing your home to be livable during times of disability
  • Why long term care insurance for individuals is as important as auto insurance for automobiles
  • Death with Dignity laws
  • Where to go for end-of-life consultations
  • The need to have aging conversations with your doctor
  • Where to get resource information about long term care facilities
  • Much more…

051 Happy Mother’s Day: Family Love and Home Schooling

This is a special “Mother’s Day” episode and “Make the Change Radio Show” is proud to feature Christine Psalms and her family.

Christine Psalms is a wife of 18 years, mother of four beautiful children, an entrepreneur, and most importantly she loves God!  A couple of years back, the Psalms family made a decision to home school their children. It all started when her 13 year old began having challenges focusing in the classroom and taking tests.  The private school he attended was a great school, but Christine was concerned about whether the teachers had enough experience working with the specific challenges her child was experiencing.  As a result, three of her four children, ages 4, 11, and 13 started home schooling in 2014 and her fourth child, age 16, will begin home schooling in 2015. In order to make this a success, Christine and her husband Sean, thought it was best for her to leave her 9-5 and take on the awesome task to home school their children.  In this episode, Christine and Sean talk about the transition and the tremendous rewards that resulted by their decision to go from a two-income household to one primary income to make their children their top priority.

What makes this story even more incredible is that Christine’s husband Sean, composed a Mother’s Day Anthem 10 years ago for his now deceased mother and grandmother and just released it in 2015. The song and video are incredible and it includes his lovely wife Christine and their four children are singing the chorus!  Be prepared because this song and video will touch every emotion within you, but the ending will touch you the most.

Wait.  That’s not all.  I’m saving the best for last.  What takes this show to an even higher level is when Christine’s children talk about what makes their mother a great mom.  Her husband Sean weighs in too with a message to husbands and fathers about the awesomeness of wives and mothers.

If you want to contact Christine about how she went about home schooling her children, send her an email at dancing4hisglorymd@gmail.com and let her know that you heard about her story on Make the Change Radio Show.

So, here are the links:  Enjoy!

Mother’s Day Anthem Video: Mother’s Day Anthem

Mother’s Day Anthem Song (MP3):


050 Healing Our Men


Father Christian D. Bruce and Brother Raymond Pretlor discuss some of the major issues that men are confronted with on a daily basis. They share their opinions of what it means to “Be a Man” and they provide ideas regarding what loved ones can do to help heal the men in their lives.

Both guests have programs that are designed to help all males become better men. If you do not have an appreciation for what men go through on a daily basis, this podcast is bound to increase your awareness and sensitivity.

049 Goodbye Fear

fearCharlene Day talks about her “Fear Goodbye” Movement and how she is fulfilling her calling to help others say goodbye to fear and move towards their destiny. Charlene talks about the importance of identifying your fear(s) and then sitting down to write each fear a “Dear Fear” letter.

Charlene says it is time to serve fear notice, silence the whispers and petty threats once and for all. So if you want to create the life you want by eliminating unnecessary fear then this is the podcast you want to listen to. Charlene is also joined by additional guests who talk about their fears and how they plan to overcome them.