054 How to Live Happier After Divorce

DivorceWilma Jones, Author of “Living Happier After” shares 5 key steps on how to live a “happier” life after divorce.  She talks about how to manage the negative thoughts and attitudes about the “Ex,” your future, how to handle post-divorce issues surrounding the children, the ex’s new lover, child support/alimony, and dating again, so that you CAN live happier after the divorce.

Wilma Jones is an author, speaker and coach dedicated to helping women redefine and build happier lives after divorce, including improving their co-parenting skills to build stronger families and communities.

051 Happy Mother’s Day: Family Love and Home Schooling

This is a special “Mother’s Day” episode and “Make the Change Radio Show” is proud to feature Christine Psalms and her family.

Christine Psalms is a wife of 18 years, mother of four beautiful children, an entrepreneur, and most importantly she loves God!  A couple of years back, the Psalms family made a decision to home school their children. It all started when her 13 year old began having challenges focusing in the classroom and taking tests.  The private school he attended was a great school, but Christine was concerned about whether the teachers had enough experience working with the specific challenges her child was experiencing.  As a result, three of her four children, ages 4, 11, and 13 started home schooling in 2014 and her fourth child, age 16, will begin home schooling in 2015. In order to make this a success, Christine and her husband Sean, thought it was best for her to leave her 9-5 and take on the awesome task to home school their children.  In this episode, Christine and Sean talk about the transition and the tremendous rewards that resulted by their decision to go from a two-income household to one primary income to make their children their top priority.

What makes this story even more incredible is that Christine’s husband Sean, composed a Mother’s Day Anthem 10 years ago for his now deceased mother and grandmother and just released it in 2015. The song and video are incredible and it includes his lovely wife Christine and their four children are singing the chorus!  Be prepared because this song and video will touch every emotion within you, but the ending will touch you the most.

Wait.  That’s not all.  I’m saving the best for last.  What takes this show to an even higher level is when Christine’s children talk about what makes their mother a great mom.  Her husband Sean weighs in too with a message to husbands and fathers about the awesomeness of wives and mothers.

If you want to contact Christine about how she went about home schooling her children, send her an email at dancing4hisglorymd@gmail.com and let her know that you heard about her story on Make the Change Radio Show.

So, here are the links:  Enjoy!

Mother’s Day Anthem Video: Mother’s Day Anthem

Mother’s Day Anthem Song (MP3):


044 When “She” Earns More Than “He”

red-wallet-money-artThis is a powerful and energetic discussion regarding how relationships are impacted when “she” earns significantly more than “he.”

Joy Sutton of The Joy Sutton Show, Rodney Wayne Branch of Copa Style Magazine, Wilma Jones, Author of “Divorce: Living Happily Ever After” and Charles Young of Lutalo Technology Solutions have personally experienced relationships where the “traditional” roles regarding who earns significantly more have been reversed.

All guests agree that this can have a negative impact on the relationship.  They share what some of the impacts are to the relationship and some very insightful ways to manage these impacts when and if they occur.

This show will keep you entertained to the very end.

028 How To Pray

PrayerThe Bible says “ask and ye shall receive…” and “we have not, because we ask not…”  However, most of us have been asking and are still waiting to receive.

“Why are my prayers not getting answered?” is a question that many of us grapple with each day.

Why does it seem that some prayers are answered while those most dear to our hearts seemingly remain unanswered or take so long?  How many times do we need to ask for the same thing?  What are some of the hindrances to getting our prayers answered?   Is there a special way to pray?

Pastor Alfonzo Surrett sheds some light on these questions that will help you to improve your prayer life.

024 How To Build Lasting Intimate Relationships

023 Paul Anderson 2Dr. Paul Anderson; Chaplain, Relationship Advisor, and Suicide Counselor, talks about how to build a firm foundation for our intimate relationships. He talks about why people do not marry for love, but because their mate can meet certain needs.

Sadly, many people are not certain of their real relationship needs, which makes it challenging for happiness to become a mainstay in the relationship.  Dr. Paul also states that if the perceived need is met before true love develops, the relationship will most likely not stand the test of time and will be challenged by more unexpected needs.

Have you heard of the Intimacy Curve?  Dr. Paul coined this term and states that where your relationship exists on the “Intimacy Curve” can determine its chance for longevity.

Dr. Paul also talks about why many people date like adults, but commit like children and “Harley’s Top 10 Needs” and how they can help us better understand the dynamics of our intimate relationships.

Dr. Paul was joined by his wife Deborah Anderson who talked about how women should conduct themselves, how they should and should not dress, and why women should not pursue men or ask for their hand in marriage.

This is a must listen to show if you want to learn how to improve your intimate relationships and whether or not the relationship that you are in has any staying power.


012 Can A Man Really Commit? Perspectives From A Christian And An Atheist

Are you in love with a Christian, Agnostic, or Atheist?  Do you even know?  Should you care?  Could your mate’s ability to be faithful be linked to their religious beliefs and/or the strength of their faith?

Charlie, a confirmed Atheist shares his views that it all goes back to evolution.  Men are not born to be monogamous and they are burdened

to respond to the biological call to have sex and reproduce.  A biological call so powerfully intertwined within his DNA; making it impossible for most to resist.

Pastor Alfonzo Surrett shares God’s word about the problems and consequences associated with this view.  He states that we are all spiritual beings regardless of our beliefs and that being unfaithful opens the gate for the enemy to enter into our spirit to begin the path of possession and destruction.  He concludes that monogamy is not an issue of self-control, but more about the strength of one’s faith.

007 Life After The Affair

Dr. Shane Perrault, also known as “Dr. Shane” is a leading Psychologist, Author, Speaker and Founder of the African American Marriage Counseling Organization and is a highly sought after Life Coach and Speaker on issues relating to relationships, marriages and ADHD.

Dr. Shane shares his views about infidelity, what it is, why it occurs, and most importantly what happens after an affair is revealed. He talks about the three stages the hurt partner will experience after an affair is revealed.

1.  Atone – Involves the reactions (emotional, physical, neurological) that will occur after learning about the affair.

2. Atune – The hurt partner reviews his or her options to stay or leave the relationship.

3. Attach – The couple reconnects to start the process of rebuilding their relationship.

Dr. Shane states that the hurt partner is the only one who should make the decision to stay or leave the relationship and the worse thing the unfaithful partner can do is try to rush the decision-making and ask them to “get over it.”

Visit Dr. Shane at http://africanamericanmarriagecounseling.com/