109 Breast Cancer Awareness with the Health Policy Research Consortium

breast-cancer-logoIn recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mr. Byron Sogie-Thomas, Deputy Director for Health Policy Research & Analysis at the Health Policy Research Consortium, and Dr. Edith Mitchell, Professor of Medical Oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center and past President of the National Medical Association shared their knowledge about breast cancer.

In this episode we have a frank discussion about the causes breast cancer, the risk factors, who’s at risk, what we know about prevention, breast cancer in men, what the current research  shows, how public policy can help reduce the burden of this disease, including how to pay for screenings and the ease of navigating the health care system if you or a family member has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and more.

Breast cancer strikes fear in the heart of women and far too many continue to die from this disease.   This is especially true for African American women, who are more likely to die from breast cancer, even though they are diagnosed at the same rate as White and Hispanic women.

hprc-logo3This episode was sponsored by the Health Policy Research Consortium, also known as HPRC.  HPRC’s focus is public policy and their goal is to keep you informed about the many ways that public policy can affect your health.  To learn more about HPRC’s research findings, blogs, events, and their Health Connect Prince George’s mobile app, please visit their website at www.hprc.info.


076 Lifestyle Choices and the Ten Foods That Help Keep Cancer At Bay

Breast Cancer Logo

Colletta Orr is a biologist who has studied cancer tumors over an extended period of time.

Colletta talks about the ten foods that can help keep cancer at bay, how to protect our daughters from breast and ovarian cancers, breast cancer in men and the healthy lifestyles that can keep cancer from robbing us of our lives and those of our loved ones.

All from her book “Cancer Doesn’t Always Win: A Comprehensive Guide to Beating Breast & Ovarian Cancers.”

009 A Double Mastectomy By Choice

Aurelia Crews was known for what she calls her “Rack,” which were her size “F” breasts.  Aurelia was also blessed with a shapely body frame, award-winning smile, great family, a host of friends around the world, a successful career and more.  Most people would describe Aurelia as “having it all.” Then one day breast cancer struck.

Aurelia could have let cancer get the best of her; instead she showed cancer her best.  With the support of family, friends, her strong will and belief in God, Aurelia is now cancer-free.

During Aurelia’s battle with breast cancer, she learned valuable lessons about relinquishing control and has clear plans for a healthier and happier future helping others.