049 Goodbye Fear

fearCharlene Day talks about her “Fear Goodbye” Movement and how she is fulfilling her calling to help others say goodbye to fear and move towards their destiny. Charlene talks about the importance of identifying your fear(s) and then sitting down to write each fear a “Dear Fear” letter.

Charlene says it is time to serve fear notice, silence the whispers and petty threats once and for all. So if you want to create the life you want by eliminating unnecessary fear then this is the podcast you want to listen to. Charlene is also joined by additional guests who talk about their fears and how they plan to overcome them.

014 Autism Awareness

UsImagine bringing your beautiful child into the world and watching as he progresses normally with all milestones being met. Then somewhere between 1 ½ and 2 years of age……everything changes.  Your precious child is kidnapped; not his physical body, but his brain.  The doctor says it is Autism.  Now what do you do?  How do you prepare?

Shante Nicole and husband, Chris Superville will share the story of their beautiful son, Dylan and how learning how to get through to Dylan became their mission in life.  It is truly a story of destiny, love, laughter, triumph, and the answer to a calling.

Learn how their journey led them to form the organization F.A.C.E., which gives the caregivers of all special needs children that much needed respite for several hours one Saturday each month.

How many times have you witnessed a parent who seemingly had no control over their child and think “If that was my child, I would……,” or “Why can’t they control that child?” How many times while flying or using public transportation did you throw that parent a certain look and think “Why can’t they shut that child up?” Would you believe that many people actually speak these words to the caregivers?

When it comes to Autism, it is not that simple. Neither does Autism have an obvious physical appearance that will allow the casual observer to see that the caregiver has an Autistic child.

Hopefully this episode will raise Autism awareness and increase the sensitivity levels of the general populace when witnessing what some deem as unruly children. Although this episode is about Autism, this also applies to all children with special needs and their caregivers.

Shanté and Chris will amaze you when they help explain Autism from their beautiful son Dylan’s perspective. You will be forever changed.

013 How To Communicate With The Most Difficult People – Part 1

Ep 13-Rick BrinkmanWhy do people act the way they do?  How would you like to improve your relationships with the difficult people in your life?  According to Dr. Rick Brinkman you can improve even the most difficult relationships.  In this episode, he will share strategies on how to effectively deal with the top 13 difficult behaviors that can literally destroy our relationships at home, work, and elsewhere.  Can you identify which behavior best describes you?

1. Know-it-Alls     2. Think-They-Know-It-Alls     3. Whiners     4. Meddlers     5. Martyrs     6. Tank attackers     7. Snipers     8. No people (Negativity)     9. Yes people     10. Maybe people     11. Nothing people     12. Grenade Tantrums     13. Judgers

Dr. Rick Brinkman is the Co-Author of “Dealing with People You Can’t Stand” and “How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst.”  Over 2 million copies sold with translations in 24 languages.

012 Can A Man Really Commit? Perspectives From A Christian And An Atheist

Are you in love with a Christian, Agnostic, or Atheist?  Do you even know?  Should you care?  Could your mate’s ability to be faithful be linked to their religious beliefs and/or the strength of their faith?

Charlie, a confirmed Atheist shares his views that it all goes back to evolution.  Men are not born to be monogamous and they are burdened

to respond to the biological call to have sex and reproduce.  A biological call so powerfully intertwined within his DNA; making it impossible for most to resist.

Pastor Alfonzo Surrett shares God’s word about the problems and consequences associated with this view.  He states that we are all spiritual beings regardless of our beliefs and that being unfaithful opens the gate for the enemy to enter into our spirit to begin the path of possession and destruction.  He concludes that monogamy is not an issue of self-control, but more about the strength of one’s faith.

002 Taming The Tongue

Taming The Tongue:  The Power of Words And Their Ability to Create or Destroy LifeTongue_Words2

According to Pastor Alfonzo King Surrett, Jr., “Words are the primary tool through which we are able to express our feelings, desires, beliefs, needs, and thoughts to others.”

Most of us under-estimate or do not realize how powerful words are and the tremendous impact they have on our lives.  The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter 18:21 that the power of life and death are in the tongue.  Now, more than ever, we need to focus on “Taming Our Tongues” because with social media, texting, and the internet; we are spewing out more words than any time in our history.

We can learn a lot about ourselves and others by paying attention to the words being used.

  • What do your words say about you?
  • Do your words emit positive or negative energy?
  • If you were to pose the above questions to people you interact with on a daily basis (home, work, play) what would they say?

If we use words to gossip, speak of lack, hatred, judgment, make threats, find fault in anything, or use profanity, then those words are emitting negative energy.  On the other hand if we use words to speak of love, patience, joy, peace,  forgiveness, understanding; those words breath life into the world.

A farmer does not plant an apple seed and expect to get a peach tree.  Therefore, we should not plant the word seeds of negativity with expectations of reaping a good harvest.

If I may quote Pastor Alfonzo, “Start today by speaking words of life and not words of death; words of faith and not words of fear; words that build up and not words that tear down; the Word of God and not the words of Satan.”

Bio:  Pastor Alfonzo King Surrett Jr.

Alfonzo King Surrett Jr. is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Community Church, located at 16341 South Park Avenue in South Holland, IL; and he a former president of The South Holland Ministers Association.

Also known as Pastor Alfonzo, he is also a professional singer, writer and producer who has worked with many well-known recording artists in both the secular and religious music industry. He has sung on many award winning national television and radio commercials for companies such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Company, The U.S. Navy, and many others. His talents eventually led him to a recording contract with MCA records; and he co-produced, and sang with C.G.I. Record’s contemporary gospel group Committed.

Pastor Alfonzo is the author and publisher of the book titled “ProfanityWhat Did You Really Say?”, which gives an understanding of the negative affects of profanity; and two other books that are soon to be released titled, “The Great Omission”, which deals with the need for creative evangelism; and “The Power Of A Persistent Woman”, which focuses on women who were victorious as a result of their godly persistence.  Pastor Alfonzo also has written Sunday School lessons, Vacation Bible School lessons, and devotionals for Urban Ministries Inc.; which is the largest African American publisher of religious materials in the world.

Pastor Alfonzo is the Chairman of the Board of Managers for P.A.C.E. Institute (Programmed Activities for Correctional Education) at Cook County Jail; and he is a member of the Board of Directors of The Safer Foundation. In addition, Alfonzo is a member if C.O.R.E. (Commission ORace and Ethnicity) for The Reformed Church in America; and he is the vice-president of Z-Odyssey Productions.

Pastor Alfonzo is committed to racial reconciliation and multicultural ministry. Prior to coming to Calvary Reformed Church, Pastor Alfonzo was the Assistant Pastor of Bethel Church of Harvey IL. On January 1, 2006 Bethel Church (predominately African American) merged with Calvary Reformed Church (predominately Caucasian) and became Calvary Community Church.  Pastor Alfonzo and Calvary Community Church have been featured in several newspapers and magazines for their efforts in multicultural ministry. Pastor Alfonzo has been interviewed on radio and television on the subject of the dynamics of multicultural worship. The vision of Calvary Community Church is “To be a visible example of the Kingdom of God in South Holland, IL and beyond”.

Copy and paste the following link in your browser to view Pastor Alfonzo’s website:


Pastor Alfonzo sang on the following award winning (CLIO Award) Coca Cola commercial.  Click the link below to view the award winning video.
