106 Did God Create Evil?

god-create-evilMany people have an opinion about how evil was created.  Rev. Thea Wilson, Dr. Susan Smith, Dr. Willie Jolley, and Minister Dentis Shaw engage in a passionate discussion regarding their interpretation of scripture as it relates to the question, “Did God Create Evil?”

Does Satan need permission from God to do evil works or can he just do what he wants without question?

Is it right to portray God as an all-loving God when there is so much evil in the world and when scripture clearly states that God has done what appears to be evil things in the Old Testament?

And if God is all good then how can we have all of these killings?  Why doesn’t He intervene?

My guests tackle these questions and more.

103 Is Christianity Under Siege?

christianity-under-attackReverend Joseph Deck, Reverend Thea Wilson, and Reverend Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams engage in a round-table discussion about the State of Christianity in America.

Is Christianity in America under siege?  Is it being marginalized?  Does Christianity have an image problem, or have Christians been spoiled with Christian privilege for so long that now they must make room for people of all belief systems?

These are just a few questions that are discussed during this episode.