by Patricia Terrell | Aug 2, 2014 | Autism, Podcast, Survival
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Imagine bringing your beautiful child into the world and watching as he progresses normally with all milestones being met. Then somewhere between 1 ½ and 2 years of age……everything changes. Your precious child is kidnapped; not his physical body, but his brain. The doctor says it is Autism. Now what do you do? How do you prepare?
Shante Nicole and husband, Chris Superville will share the story of their beautiful son, Dylan and how learning how to get through to Dylan became their mission in life. It is truly a story of destiny, love, laughter, triumph, and the answer to a calling.
Learn how their journey led them to form the organization F.A.C.E., which gives the caregivers of all special needs children that much needed respite for several hours one Saturday each month.
How many times have you witnessed a parent who seemingly had no control over their child and think “If that was my child, I would……,” or “Why can’t they control that child?” How many times while flying or using public transportation did you throw that parent a certain look and think “Why can’t they shut that child up?” Would you believe that many people actually speak these words to the caregivers?
When it comes to Autism, it is not that simple. Neither does Autism have an obvious physical appearance that will allow the casual observer to see that the caregiver has an Autistic child.
Hopefully this episode will raise Autism awareness and increase the sensitivity levels of the general populace when witnessing what some deem as unruly children. Although this episode is about Autism, this also applies to all children with special needs and their caregivers.
Shanté and Chris will amaze you when they help explain Autism from their beautiful son Dylan’s perspective. You will be forever changed.
by Patricia Terrell | Jul 19, 2014 | Podcast, Relationships, Religion, Spirituality
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Are you in love with a Christian, Agnostic, or Atheist? Do you even know? Should you care? Could your mate’s ability to be faithful be linked to their religious beliefs and/or the strength of their faith?
Charlie, a confirmed Atheist shares his views that it all goes back to evolution. Men are not born to be monogamous and they are burdened
to respond to the biological call to have sex and reproduce. A biological call so powerfully intertwined within his DNA; making it impossible for most to resist.
Pastor Alfonzo Surrett shares God’s word about the problems and consequences associated with this view. He states that we are all spiritual beings regardless of our beliefs and that being unfaithful opens the gate for the enemy to enter into our spirit to begin the path of possession and destruction. He concludes that monogamy is not an issue of self-control, but more about the strength of one’s faith.
by Patricia Terrell | Jul 12, 2014 | Living Their Dream, Podcast
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This episode is about two amazingly artistic ladies who are living their dreams and helping others live theirs too.
Learn how Jackie Hicks’ gift as a Portrait Artist was discovered by a One-Hour Photo Technician and how Letitia Thornhill, Makeup Artist to the Stars, overcame religious barriers and the challenges of being a single mom to make her dream come true.
When this dynamic duo unites, they create timeless masterpieces that will literally knock you off your feet!
by Patricia Terrell | May 17, 2014 | Podcast, Survival
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James Arthur Williams shares his incredible journey where during childhood, being intelligent and following the spiritual teachings of his parents got him laughed at and teased until he felt forced to adopt and embrace a thug mentality to survive in the projects.
James questioned “Why did his parents suffer and struggle so much when they loved the Lord with all their hearts and they made so many sacrifices for God while his peers who lived the total opposite of God’s word seemed to acquire money, status, and the good life?”
James was unable to rationalize this in his mind and chose to please and gain acceptance from his peers in the hood and began chasing a masked lifestyle that was opposed to his God-given potential.
James is no different from the millions of people who chase materialistic things, lifestyles, and religions to please their parents, partners, or peers.
Many people wake up unhappy, unfulfilled, and unable to identify the person reflecting back in their bathroom mirror. James was that person for many years, but one significant event caused him to transform his life. Learn about that significant event and what actions James had to take to save his life by reading his book “From Thug To Scholar.”
“From Thug To Scholar” will inspire you to transform and unmask your true potential. It is filled with life lessons and fascinating journeys of how James was able to unmask and go from a thug to a scholar. His life lessons and fascinating journeys are sure to give you many “aha” moments of how you can unmask and reach your God-given potential!