049 Goodbye Fear

fearCharlene Day talks about her “Fear Goodbye” Movement and how she is fulfilling her calling to help others say goodbye to fear and move towards their destiny. Charlene talks about the importance of identifying your fear(s) and then sitting down to write each fear a “Dear Fear” letter.

Charlene says it is time to serve fear notice, silence the whispers and petty threats once and for all. So if you want to create the life you want by eliminating unnecessary fear then this is the podcast you want to listen to. Charlene is also joined by additional guests who talk about their fears and how they plan to overcome them.

042 Overcoming Fear

IMG_4210Dora Carpenter shares some of her unique tools and techniques to teach us how to embrace our fears and release the stronghold that fear has on our lives.

What are you afraid of and why?  The answer to this two-part question could hold the secret to why you are not living life to the fullest.  Fear is a powerful and manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a passive and boring life.