004 The Power Of An Apology

apology_sorry2Is someone out there still waiting to receive an apology from you?

There’s so much power in the words “I apologize.” They can heal a broken heart, dry tears from crying eyes, change a frown into a smile, turn sadness into joy, and give a restless soul some peace.

So if an apology can do so much good, why is it so difficult for us to apologize?

Where did this thinking come from? Well, in the movie “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon – 1949,” John Wayne said “…Never apologize–it’s a sign of weakness.”

Well, let me tell you, it is just the opposite. Having the capacity to say I am sorry, is a sign of strength. It really takes a lot of courage to say I am sorry and refusing to apologize is the true sign of weakness.

Someone out there is waiting for you to deliver the words “I Am Sorry.” And if there’s one change you can make starting today, show how strong you really are, look for opportunities to apologize when you know that you did something wrong or whatever part you played in the situation.

Reach out to someone you’ve hurt and apologize.

Dr. Rodney Malcolm’s Bio:

Dr. Malcolm provides marriage, family, and pastoral counseling in the Washington DC metropolitan area.

Dr. Malcolm holds the following degrees:

  1. Doctoral Degree (Honorary) in Pastoral Counseling, 2003, Life Improvement Center, Cleburne, Texas.
  2. Master of Divinity (Minor: Counseling/Psychology) 1981, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Minor: Psychology): 1978, Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama.
  4. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Minor: Education): 1976, Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee.