067 The 8 Key Ingredients for Blending Families Successfully

QT90696254_MangumBook_BlendedFamily_Cover copy.pdfDr. Duane Mangum shares eight key ingredients for blended family success. Whether you are a single mom or dad with children maneuvering through the dating scene or whether you are already in a blended family environment you will definitely benefit from Dr. Mangum’s eight key ingredients for successful blending, which are outlined in his book “Blending To Make It: Ingredients for a Successful Blended Family.”

Dr. Mangum has firsthand experience with blended families.  As a child, he inherited a stepfather.  At the young age of 22, he married a woman with children, but he did not have any of his own.  Later the two had children of their own.  After his first marriage ended in divorce, Dr. Mangum became a single father on the dating scene.  Later Dr. Mangum met his current wife, who also had children and they were able to successfully blend their families based on the eight key ingredients outlined in his book “Blending To Make It:  Ingredients for a Successful Blended Family.”

According to the latest statistics, blended families are on the rise, with 2,100 new blended families being formed every day in America and over 65% of Americans are touched directly by a step-family scenario.

82% of parents in blended families do not know where to seek help for the unique issues they face with blended families.  7 out of 10 Pastors or church leaders in America do not know where to turn to assistance on how to minister regarding the step-family dynamics.

So no need to try blending your family on your own, let Dr. Mangum help you learn how to blend successfully if you are dating as a single parent or he can show you how to take your existing blended family from surviving to thriving.


022 Business Partnerships: 5 Key Points to Consider Before Making the Commitment

Willard Alonzo Stanback talks about why we need to treat each business partnership like a marriage and the five most important points we need to address before walking down the aisle of business matrimony.

Willard Alonzo Stanback is an MIT graduate, a savvy business, entertainment and media lawyer with a strong foundation in intellectual property, licensing, and technology law. He is an entrepreneur, the owner of his own technology foundation and engaged in a host of other business partnerships.

You should listen to this show if:

1. You are you thinking about starting your own company and wonder if you should bring on a business partner.
2. You are pondering whether to partner with a friend or relative in that venture you have been talking about
for years.
3. If you currently have a business partner and realize that you forgot to have some very important conversations
and now need to address them.
4. If you and your partner do not have an operating agreement in place that addresses the important points outlined in this