026 Philanthropy: How Giving to Others is Like Giving to Yourself

Brett Murray of Concerts For Causes talks about the importance of helping others throughout the year. He recommends that we donate to causes that we are passionate about. Concerts For Causes provides musical instruments to youth in under-served areas.

The holiday season is fast approaching and with that comes an increased focus on donating money to charitable organization, volunteering your time to feeding the homeless, buying toys for tots, and more. However, the holidays are not the only time of year when people need help.  Brett Murray of Concerts For Causes talks about the importance of helping others throughout the year and what he does year-round to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

According to Brett, the dropout rate of high school students for certain demographics in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia is approaching 67%.  Studies show that 95% of high school students who are involved in a music program will graduate and attend college.  This is reason enough to support the music programs at all high schools and Brett accomplishes this through his Save The Music Program.

Brett also reminds us that people need help year round and there are many ways to help; such as buying someone food, purchasing a coat or a comforter during the winter months. Get creative and just do it. 

Via Concerts For Causes, Brett is making a difference in the lives of others in a manner that will allow people to make a donation and have a great time giving back.  


024 How To Build Lasting Intimate Relationships

023 Paul Anderson 2Dr. Paul Anderson; Chaplain, Relationship Advisor, and Suicide Counselor, talks about how to build a firm foundation for our intimate relationships. He talks about why people do not marry for love, but because their mate can meet certain needs.

Sadly, many people are not certain of their real relationship needs, which makes it challenging for happiness to become a mainstay in the relationship.  Dr. Paul also states that if the perceived need is met before true love develops, the relationship will most likely not stand the test of time and will be challenged by more unexpected needs.

Have you heard of the Intimacy Curve?  Dr. Paul coined this term and states that where your relationship exists on the “Intimacy Curve” can determine its chance for longevity.

Dr. Paul also talks about why many people date like adults, but commit like children and “Harley’s Top 10 Needs” and how they can help us better understand the dynamics of our intimate relationships.

Dr. Paul was joined by his wife Deborah Anderson who talked about how women should conduct themselves, how they should and should not dress, and why women should not pursue men or ask for their hand in marriage.

This is a must listen to show if you want to learn how to improve your intimate relationships and whether or not the relationship that you are in has any staying power.


023 Childhood Abuse in the Workplace: Top Warning Signs Parents Need to Know

Successful entrepreneur Zane Marshall shares his 3-year journey of workplace abuse as a teen. Learn about the top warning signs of abuse that parents should look out for and how they can raise a child less likely to accept any type of abusive relationship.

At the age of 17 Zane went to work in the entertainment industry and encountered mental and emotional abuse from a female supervisor.  This job was a dream come true and in total alignment with his passion to work in the entertainment industry.  He was experiencing the sweet taste of success at the ripe age of 17 producing television and video content that targeted young people.

The very reasons Zane was attracted to the job, were the same reasons that caused him to stay when the brainwashing and abuse started.  He did not want to give up this opportunity to live his dream!  He had a “do not quit” mindset and was ready to weather the storm no matter how long it lasted.  But the stormy work environment never let up.  It continued to worsen and so did the type of abuse.

Listen to the show to understand how bad the abuse had to get for Zane to understand that sometimes you do have to quit.  Zane knew he had to quit to save his soul, because he realized that he had sold it to the devil.

Three year after accepting the position; at 21 years of age, Zane was able to leave the abusive workplace environment without any regrets and with a spirit of forgiveness to his tormentor.  Zane is now a successful entrepreneur and speaker who educates young people on how to start their own business, build confidence, and much more.

In this episode, Zane talks about the following:

  1. The mindset of an abused person.
  2. The type of workplace abuse he encountered
  3. Why he chose to continue working in such an abusive workplace.
  4. What parents can do to raise a child that will be strong enough to avoid any abusive environment or choose not to remain in one.
  5. Why he was afraid to share the abuse with friends and family.
  6. Warning signs of abuse that parents should look out for to determine whether their child is suffering in silence.
  7. Parents should follow their gut reaction.  Listen carefully for the words their child use and look for signs of rebellion and isolation.
  8. If the warning signs are there and the child continues to say nothing is wrong, parents must investigate by snooping.
  9. How to break the cycle of violence in any environment.
  10. Recommended changes to parents with children and to people who are currently in an abusive or inappropriate situation.

This is a must listen to episode.  His story will truly inspire you!

022 Business Partnerships: 5 Key Points to Consider Before Making the Commitment

Willard Alonzo Stanback talks about why we need to treat each business partnership like a marriage and the five most important points we need to address before walking down the aisle of business matrimony.

Willard Alonzo Stanback is an MIT graduate, a savvy business, entertainment and media lawyer with a strong foundation in intellectual property, licensing, and technology law. He is an entrepreneur, the owner of his own technology foundation and engaged in a host of other business partnerships.

You should listen to this show if:

1. You are you thinking about starting your own company and wonder if you should bring on a business partner.
2. You are pondering whether to partner with a friend or relative in that venture you have been talking about
for years.
3. If you currently have a business partner and realize that you forgot to have some very important conversations
and now need to address them.
4. If you and your partner do not have an operating agreement in place that addresses the important points outlined in this