020 Domestic Abuse – Why She Stayed and How She Left

Lynn Strange and Sonja Pitts share how they got into a domestically abusive relationship in the first place.  Understand what makes a woman stay after the first hit from their abuser.

Learn how victims of abuse cope from day to day and marvel at the courage it takes for them to leave.  Learn how to recognize the warning signs of a potential abuser, the most important changes victims of abuse should make, how to survive and the smartest and safest ways to leave.

016 How To Communicate With The Most Difficult People – Part 2

Many of our most challenging situations involve communicating with the most important people in our lives.
Whether it’s your boss, spouse, parent, business partner, lover, or child, Dr. Brinkman is back by popular demand with more tools to help improve communications with your key relationships.

011 Using Their Artistic Gifts To Change Lives

This episode is about two amazingly artistic ladies who are living their dreams and helping others live theirs too.

Learn how Jackie Hicks’ gift as a Portrait Artist was discovered by a One-Hour Photo Technician and how Letitia Thornhill, Makeup Artist to the Stars, overcame religious barriers and the challenges of being a single mom to make her dream come true.

When this dynamic duo unites, they create timeless masterpieces that will literally knock you off your feet!