096 Success Runs In Our Race with Dr. George Fraser

successDr. George Fraser was an orphan and foster child for 15 years.  In spite of his childhood experiences, Dr. Fraser went on to reach phenomenal success.

He’s written 6 best-selling books to include: Success Runs in Our Race, Click and most recently, Mission Unstoppable: Extraordinary Stories of Failure’s Blessings, a book he co-authored with Les Brown. He is the producer of the award winning “PowerNetworking Conference” (Forbes Magazine named it “One of the Top 5 Conferences Not To Be Missed in America.”)

Upscale Magazine named Dr. Fraser as one of the “Top 50 Power Brokers in Black America” and Black Enterprise Magazine named him “Black America’s #1 Networker.”

Dr. Fraser is quite the orator.  Five of his speeches have been selected for reprint and worldwide distribution by the prestigious publication; Vital Speeches of the Day; a first for any professional speaker in America regardless of color, and recently, he was selected by Examiner.com as the “Best of the Best Speakers in Black America.”

Dr. Fraser has been featured on 7 national magazine covers, and has received 350 awards and citations to include an induction into the Minority Business Hall of Fame and Museum, three honorary Doctorate Degrees, and an Ambassadorship.

Dr. Fraser is most proud of being the co-founder of two African-centered charter schools that educate nearly 300 inner city Black children of which 60% are boys.  In addition to his proud accomplishments, he has been married to his lovely wife, Nora Jean for 42 years and is the proud father of two  sons….Kyle and Scott.

In this episode Dr. Fraser shares tips about success , power networking tips, overcoming fear, finding your purpose, and more.

095 Detox Your Life and The Principles of Manhood

relax restThis episode consists of two incredible shows packed into one hour of programming.  This episode also includes a tribute to Prince Rogers Nelson, also known as Prince, who passed away on April 21, 2016.  RIP Prince.

Nicole Turner opens up the first half of the show with great insight about detoxing our life emotionally and mentally and how to get it done so that we can improve relationships with ourselves and others.

men manhoodRonald Barnes opens up the second half of the show talking about the qualities that make up the fabric of a man.  Ronald makes clear the differences between being an adult male and being a Man!


094 Girls Against Boys Sagging and the Importance of Voting – Elections 2016

sagging, GABS, pullemup2During the first half of the show, Morgan McCane and her parents talk about an organization that Morgan founded at the age of 15.  Morgan started Girls Against Boys Sagging (GABS) when she told her mom that she was tired of seeing boys walking around with their “dirty” underwear showing.  When Morgan’s mom challenged her to do something about it, Morgan did just that.  Thus was born GABS, a movement against boys sagging, whose message is that women can change men’s minds the most, so women need to ask their men to #pullemup!


voteDuring the second half hour, Judge Eric Nyce, David Grogan, Ervin Reid, and Dennis Borie talk about the early voting process, how to sift through the rhetoric, the electoral process, and of course “The Donald.”


093 Entrepreneurship, Dating, Comfort Zone & Driving in the Fast Lane

embrace_new_waysPatricia Terrell, Host of Make the Change Radio Show has been an entrepreneur for 21 years and has transformed herself over the years.  In this episode, Patricia talks about the most important things you should know before launching your new business.  Michelle Younger chimes in to talk about the importance of hiring someone to handle your human resources.

Over the years, Patricia has re-invented herself and she talks about the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to fulfill your purpose in life and Dora Carpenter chimes in to talk about feeling the fear, but doing it anyway and her Feel the Fear workshops.

Patricia is a bit old school when it comes to dating and shares some tips about how men should ask a lady out on a date.  She even gives them an example of what to say.

Patricia concludes the show with “PatsPeeves,” where she talks about how people can help change our daily commutes for the positive if the slow drivers would stop driving slow in the fast lane and kindly pull over to allow the faster drivers to get by.  Donald Whitt chimed in to talk about how and why he sometimes refuses to move over from the fast lane if the driver behind him is signaling for him to move over.  You have to listen to the show to hear why Donald does this.

089 The 6 Habits of Highly Resilient People

resilienceDr. Tommy Watson, Author, Speaker, and former football player talks about his awesome book, “The Resilience of Champions!”  Dr. Watson clearly outlines the six habits of highly resilient people in this episode.

Dr. Watson talks about whether resiliency is learned behavior, if we are born with it, and how we can build our resiliency.  And Dr. Watson should know because he went from homeless and living out of  trunk to a star athlete to college graduate, to earning his doctorate, and to a highly successful entrepreneur!

Dr. Watson lost practically everything.  He was able to regained everything back and more based on his love for the Lord and his unwavering determination to bounce back from the many adversities that plagued his life, from childhood into manhood.

Dr. Watson had every reason to give up and quit, due to being born into a drug-addicted household, gang influence, parental imprisonment, home foreclosure, divorce, unpaid bills and more, but he was determined not to give up.  If Dr. Watson can bounce back from so many adversities, then so can we.

Listen to this episode to learn how.