088 Having A Hobby Can Add Life to Your Years

HobbiesRon Pemberton, Demetria “Dina” Elosiebo, Wendy Bridges, and Ebony Andrews talk about the importance of having hobbies, how their hobbies have changed their lives and the lives of others.

As we all look for ways to live a life of happiness and purpose, quitting our jobs to pursue our passion is never an easy option.  However, if you include a hobby or two in your daily life, it can positively impact your self-esteem, reduce stress, make you happy, you become more attractive and people will gravitate towards you because you have something to talk about.

During the first half of the show, Ron Pemberton talks about how his love for antique automobiles, led to the founding of the Unity Thunder Car Club, which has grown significantly in the twelve years of its founding.  The club has celebrity members, they give to the needy, and not to mention some really nice antique cars for everyone to enjoy during their annual car show.

This year, the Unity Thunder Car Club honored Demetria “Dina” Elosiebo, the first African American female pilot for the D.C. National Guard.  Dina is not just any pilot, but she piloted the Black Hawk Helicopter.  Dina shared her amazing journey about wanting to fly since the age of 6 and how her parents nurtured her along the way to keep her dream alive and hold her accountable in the process.

During the 2nd half of the show, Wendy Bridges, talked about  entering her first beauty pageant after retirement and winning the title of Ms. Senior District of Columbia 2015, which is for women 60 years of age and older.    Ebony Andrews is a public health professional with a background in health education and communication.  Ebony won the title of Miss Black US Ambassador 2015 and plans to use her platform to help young girls realize their greatness and act on their power.

All guests shared incredible words of wisdom about the importance of living a life full of passionate pursuits and that it is never too late to live a purposeful life; even after retirement.

086 Black History Month with Charles Hicks

black-history-monthIn commemoration of Black History Month, Charles “Chuck” Hicks, Activist, Librarian and Chair of the DC Black History Celebration Committee talks about his rich life experiences as well as the history, purpose and on-going value of Black History Month.

Mr. Hicks was instrumental in coordinating the Million Man March, the March on Washington, the Million Family March, and many other events.

Mr. Hicks is also the son of deceased famed civil rights leader Robert Hicks.

085.02 Entrepreneurship, Parenting, Gastric Bypass Surgery – A Conversation with Michael A. Graves

time for changeMichael A. Graves of Graves Advisory Group, LLC, Black Enterprise Magazine, and C-Suite Sports Radio Show talks about growing up with iconic parents, Mr. Earl Graves, Senior and the late Barbara Graves, founders of Black Enterprise Magazine.  Michael shares his tips on the need to embrace change by reinventing ourselves, successful entrepreneurship, parenting, his gastric bypass surgery, and much more.

085.01 Black Seeds Historical Calendar

PDL supported the start of this seed bank. The seed bank has a committee who have a seed distribution before planting season. If a group member receives 14 cups of seeds they give back 16 cups of seed so the the seed bank can continue to grow. The system can continue on it's own but PDL still provides support so that the program can grow. There are currently 700 farmers from this community participating in this seed saving program. The seeds in this seed bank are beans, peanuts and corn. Inyon Gwoupman Peyizan Bay (IGPB) which is a partner of PDL Glasi Bourik, Central Plateau, Haiti. Photo by Ben Depp

It’s Black History Month and Ronald Wayne Cook is back to talk about the Black Seeds Educational and Historical Calendar.  He highlights one of our unsung heroes and living legend, he shares the black history fact for the day, black love and more!

What seeds are you planting? Take a listen, you are bound to be inspired!

083 Preparing For Your Job Interview

Interview2If getting a new job or a total career change is the change you want to make this year, then in this episode you will learn what you need to do prior to beginning your job search.  You will learn about some really unique places to look for work, especially if you are over 50.

If you want to know what to do before your next interview, you will want to listen to this episode with Michelle Davis-Younger.