078 How To Care for Our Feet and the Clues They Tell Us About Our Health

Dr. Lloyd Thomas Bowser is a Corporate Podiatrist at Oak Crest Village and the President and CEO of the 3D Foot Doctor.

In this episode he shares important information about how to care for our feet, the clues our feet can provide about the state of our health.

If you are a runner, Dr. Bowser uses this amazing technology called the Noraxon Running Analysis that shows in real time what is happening to our anatomy while running. It identifies the problem areas and the necessary corrections to enhance performance and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

Ways to reach Dr. Bowser:
Email: 3dfootdr@gmail.com
Website: http://3dfootdr.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3dfootdr/?fref=ts
Check out the Noraxon technology and video at:
Website: Noraxon.com
Video: http://youtu.be/Gw1sTIklFF8

075 Time To Say “No More” To Domestic Violence & Abuse


Lisa Council shares her personal story of domestic violence and survival and what we should look for in our loved ones to determine if they are suffering in silence from domestic violence or abuse.

Lisa was raped at the early age of 13, she was a victim of abuse and domestic violence in her marriage and every romantic relationship that preceded it. Lisa’s sister was brutally murder by an estranged husband and Lisa’s daughter was bullied and hurt physically at the hands of an 11 year old boy, which resulted in Lisa Council’s arrest for taking matters in her own hands to protect and defend her daughter.

Domestic violence and abuse is a cycle that tends to repeat itself and often ends in tragedy or a broken spirit that lasts a lifetime.

This episode should speak to women who choose to remain in abusive relationships for whatever reason and for the abuser who chooses to abuse.

Watch Lisa Council’s amazing video and your life will be changed.

074 The Journey To Forgiveness

ForgivenessIsAJourneyVarious guests share how they were hurt in some of the worst ways you can imagine, either by a loved one or a stranger, yet they found a way to forgive.

If a woman can forgive all three of her rapists, if a husband can forgive his unfaithful wife, if a pastor can forgive the friend who embezzled a large sum of money from his account, and if a pastor can forgive and renew a friendship with an old friend who hurt him so badly that he wished him ill will; can’t you find it in your heart to forgive those who have broken your heart, not met your expectations, disrespected or disappointed you in some fashion, or perhaps they hurt someone you love?

During the show, we talk about what forgiveness is, what it is not, the steps to take along the path to forgiveness, and why even with the best intentions to forgive, the end result may not turn out as you may have hoped and why even that is okay.

Whether you are seeking forgiveness or need to forgive, you will want to listen to this life changing episode of Make The Change Radio Show.

Be sure to listen every Saturday from 12 noon to 1 pm, Eastern on WOL NewsTalk 1450 AM.  You may also listen via live stream at www.woldcnews.com/listen-live. Download the mobile app at http://woldcnews.newsone.com/268581/streaming-app/.

067 The 8 Key Ingredients for Blending Families Successfully

QT90696254_MangumBook_BlendedFamily_Cover copy.pdfDr. Duane Mangum shares eight key ingredients for blended family success. Whether you are a single mom or dad with children maneuvering through the dating scene or whether you are already in a blended family environment you will definitely benefit from Dr. Mangum’s eight key ingredients for successful blending, which are outlined in his book “Blending To Make It: Ingredients for a Successful Blended Family.”

Dr. Mangum has firsthand experience with blended families.  As a child, he inherited a stepfather.  At the young age of 22, he married a woman with children, but he did not have any of his own.  Later the two had children of their own.  After his first marriage ended in divorce, Dr. Mangum became a single father on the dating scene.  Later Dr. Mangum met his current wife, who also had children and they were able to successfully blend their families based on the eight key ingredients outlined in his book “Blending To Make It:  Ingredients for a Successful Blended Family.”

According to the latest statistics, blended families are on the rise, with 2,100 new blended families being formed every day in America and over 65% of Americans are touched directly by a step-family scenario.

82% of parents in blended families do not know where to seek help for the unique issues they face with blended families.  7 out of 10 Pastors or church leaders in America do not know where to turn to assistance on how to minister regarding the step-family dynamics.

So no need to try blending your family on your own, let Dr. Mangum help you learn how to blend successfully if you are dating as a single parent or he can show you how to take your existing blended family from surviving to thriving.


066 The Many Faces Of Homelessness

Causes of Homelessness Chart_THIS ONEHomelessness: It Can Happen to Anyone.

The loss of a job, an illness, or catastrophic event can quickly lead to missed rent or mortgage payments and ultimately, to eviction or foreclosure. Many people exit homelessness quickly, but many more individuals become homeless every day.

Many top celebrities (Steve Harvey, Suze Orman, Tyler Perry, Halle Berry) experienced homelessness while pursuing their passion. Now more than ever people are jumping in with both feet to pursue their dreams and most are without health insurance or adequate savings to cover and recover from medical emergencies.

Natural disasters displace people annually by destroying their homes and everything they own. Remember Katrina?

Homelessness doesn’t mean hopelessness. Many have rebounded to become very successful because they never gave up and someone gave them a chance.

Several guests will talk about how they became homeless and how they recovered; why we need to change our perspectives about homelessness; what are the best ways to help; and much more.

Karla Graham of Access Housing, Inc. helps homeless veterans re-establish their independence, Blair Copeland of Carpenter’s Shelter works to address the various needs of the homeless, Ray Breeding went from homelessness to ordainment, and Vernon Montgomery went from homelessness to gainful employment and is now pursuing his dreams as a writer.

“You can’t really understand another person’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.”

It’s becoming more difficult to be homeless in the United States. In nearly 43 percent of U.S. cities, you can be arrested for sleeping in your car, sitting on a curb, or begging in certain public areas. Stigmas against the homeless are widespread.

Banks are considered too big to fail, but why is it okay to allow children to go without a place to lay their heads at night? ChildHomelessness_THIS ONE

How can we help on an individual level? What can the homeless do to ensure that they will not find themselves in the same predicament?  

We address these questions and more in this episode.

Proverbs 19:17  “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”

Deuteronomy 15:7-8  “If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.”

Matthew 5:42 “Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.”