111 The Makings of a Good Father

father-men-dadFranklyn Malone, Founder & CEO of the 100 Fathers, Inc.; David W. Smith Sr., Co-founder of the Children’s Rights Fund; Carter Drew, Leadership & Manhood Development, Carter & Reynolds Group; and David Grogan, Shared Custody & Political Activist, talk about the great work they are doing in their communities to improve the father-child relationship.

During this episode, we discuss the social ills of a father-absenteeism, the seven things every father should tell his daughter, the importance of shared custody, what makes a good father, a mother’s ability to raise a boy to become a man, and more.

105 Why We End Up in Dead End Relationships and How to Get Out of Them

dead-end-relationshipDr. Nina Brown, author of “Dead-End Lovers: How to Avoid Them and Find True Intimacy” helps us understand why we keep picking unsuitable lovers. Dr. Brown calls them “Dead-End Lovers.”  We will learn how to spot them early, how to avoid them, and the psychological needs we have that attracts us to them.

Dr. presents five personal psychological lures and attractions we possess, such as;

  1. Being a Saver
  2. Searching for Excitement
  3. Craving Attention and Admiration
  4. Finding a Mirror
  5. Rebellion against Convention

Dr. Brown shares 7 out of 17 clear signs of unsuitability and tells us how to spot the “Five Types of Unsuitable Lovers:”

  1. Hurting and Needy
  2. Risk-Taking and Rebellious
  3. Charming and Manipulative
  4. Self-Absorbed
  5. Exotic and Different

So if  your relationship is on a one-way street to nowhere OR if you find that you keep getting into relationships with unsuitable lovers; Dr. Brown provides steps you can take to move away from dead-end relationships so that you can ultimately get the loving relationship you deserve.

097 How to Have More Sexual Intimacy in Your Marriage

PrintStephan LaBoissiere, author of “How To Get A Woman To Have Sex With You…If You’re Her Husband” speaks candidly about why there are so many “sexless” marriages.

According to Stephan, “the biggest reason that men wish they could turn back the hands of time is LACK OF SEX” and if this sounds like your marriage, Stephan shares some great ideas about how you can turn things around and re-ignite the fire in your relationship.

Statistics indicate that approximately 15-20% of couples are in sexless marriages and another 20% are engaging in sexual intimacy a few times monthly or annually.

So, Stephan wrote this book to bring an end to the battle of the sexes and to break down the communication barriers between men and women to increase realness and reduce the fear to love.  He is a man on a mission to help men and women experience more successful and authentic relationships.


067 The 8 Key Ingredients for Blending Families Successfully

QT90696254_MangumBook_BlendedFamily_Cover copy.pdfDr. Duane Mangum shares eight key ingredients for blended family success. Whether you are a single mom or dad with children maneuvering through the dating scene or whether you are already in a blended family environment you will definitely benefit from Dr. Mangum’s eight key ingredients for successful blending, which are outlined in his book “Blending To Make It: Ingredients for a Successful Blended Family.”

Dr. Mangum has firsthand experience with blended families.  As a child, he inherited a stepfather.  At the young age of 22, he married a woman with children, but he did not have any of his own.  Later the two had children of their own.  After his first marriage ended in divorce, Dr. Mangum became a single father on the dating scene.  Later Dr. Mangum met his current wife, who also had children and they were able to successfully blend their families based on the eight key ingredients outlined in his book “Blending To Make It:  Ingredients for a Successful Blended Family.”

According to the latest statistics, blended families are on the rise, with 2,100 new blended families being formed every day in America and over 65% of Americans are touched directly by a step-family scenario.

82% of parents in blended families do not know where to seek help for the unique issues they face with blended families.  7 out of 10 Pastors or church leaders in America do not know where to turn to assistance on how to minister regarding the step-family dynamics.

So no need to try blending your family on your own, let Dr. Mangum help you learn how to blend successfully if you are dating as a single parent or he can show you how to take your existing blended family from surviving to thriving.


056 Marriage: What You Need to Know Before Saying “I Do”

marriagePastors Lewis and Stephanie Tucker talk about the keys to a successful marriage. Pastor Lewis Tucker is the author of the book “The Two Will Become One Flesh: What Every Couple Needs to Know Before and After They Say “I Do.”

During their 12 years in ministry, officiating weddings and providing premarital and marital counseling, they discovered that the couples with the most problems in their marriage are those who have not received the requisite skills to successfully merge two lives into one.

The Tuckers have been blissfully married for almost 18 years and is passionate about helping other couples experience what they have.

Pastor Stephanie Tucker talks to wives about the true meaning of “submission” and what it looks and feels like.

This segment is filled with tons of Pastor Lewis Tucker’s marital nuggets of wisdom.  Here are just a few:

  • The world would be a better place if every husband treated his wife like the queen she was meant to be
  • If we all focused less on our careers and more on each other. If we were more concerned about our families than our portfolios… our kids would be happier, well adjusted, and our marriages would last.
  • If husbands treat their wives better emotionally, wives will treat their husbands better sexually
  • If husbands never stop dating their wives, they will always have a wife and a girlfriend

It’s been said that marriage doesn’t come with a set of instructions well not any more because the Tucker’s book, The Two Will Become One Flesh: What Every Couple Needs to Know Before and After They Say ” I Do “is meant to be an instructional guide for couples who are engaged, considering marriage, or already married to equip them with the tools to be successful. It even includes an appendix with instructions on how to plan a wedding service.  The book is available at amazon.com.