050 Healing Our Men


Father Christian D. Bruce and Brother Raymond Pretlor discuss some of the major issues that men are confronted with on a daily basis. They share their opinions of what it means to “Be a Man” and they provide ideas regarding what loved ones can do to help heal the men in their lives.

Both guests have programs that are designed to help all males become better men. If you do not have an appreciation for what men go through on a daily basis, this podcast is bound to increase your awareness and sensitivity.

044 When “She” Earns More Than “He”

red-wallet-money-artThis is a powerful and energetic discussion regarding how relationships are impacted when “she” earns significantly more than “he.”

Joy Sutton of The Joy Sutton Show, Rodney Wayne Branch of Copa Style Magazine, Wilma Jones, Author of “Divorce: Living Happily Ever After” and Charles Young of Lutalo Technology Solutions have personally experienced relationships where the “traditional” roles regarding who earns significantly more have been reversed.

All guests agree that this can have a negative impact on the relationship.  They share what some of the impacts are to the relationship and some very insightful ways to manage these impacts when and if they occur.

This show will keep you entertained to the very end.

024 How To Build Lasting Intimate Relationships

023 Paul Anderson 2Dr. Paul Anderson; Chaplain, Relationship Advisor, and Suicide Counselor, talks about how to build a firm foundation for our intimate relationships. He talks about why people do not marry for love, but because their mate can meet certain needs.

Sadly, many people are not certain of their real relationship needs, which makes it challenging for happiness to become a mainstay in the relationship.  Dr. Paul also states that if the perceived need is met before true love develops, the relationship will most likely not stand the test of time and will be challenged by more unexpected needs.

Have you heard of the Intimacy Curve?  Dr. Paul coined this term and states that where your relationship exists on the “Intimacy Curve” can determine its chance for longevity.

Dr. Paul also talks about why many people date like adults, but commit like children and “Harley’s Top 10 Needs” and how they can help us better understand the dynamics of our intimate relationships.

Dr. Paul was joined by his wife Deborah Anderson who talked about how women should conduct themselves, how they should and should not dress, and why women should not pursue men or ask for their hand in marriage.

This is a must listen to show if you want to learn how to improve your intimate relationships and whether or not the relationship that you are in has any staying power.


016 How To Communicate With The Most Difficult People – Part 2

Many of our most challenging situations involve communicating with the most important people in our lives.
Whether it’s your boss, spouse, parent, business partner, lover, or child, Dr. Brinkman is back by popular demand with more tools to help improve communications with your key relationships.