083 Preparing For Your Job Interview

Interview2If getting a new job or a total career change is the change you want to make this year, then in this episode you will learn what you need to do prior to beginning your job search.  You will learn about some really unique places to look for work, especially if you are over 50.

If you want to know what to do before your next interview, you will want to listen to this episode with Michelle Davis-Younger.


047 How to Prepare Your Best Resume

resumeIf you are seeking employment and you are a stay at home mom or dad; military personnel or veteran; or embarking on a totally different career path; Michelle Davis-Younger, President of “The 1 For HR” will discuss how to prepare your resume in a manner that will turn what you believe are your weaknesses into strengths.

Learn about the most common resume mistakes, how to make your resume stand out from the crowd, her important “2-10 Rule” and more.