075 Time To Say “No More” To Domestic Violence & Abuse


Lisa Council shares her personal story of domestic violence and survival and what we should look for in our loved ones to determine if they are suffering in silence from domestic violence or abuse.

Lisa was raped at the early age of 13, she was a victim of abuse and domestic violence in her marriage and every romantic relationship that preceded it. Lisa’s sister was brutally murder by an estranged husband and Lisa’s daughter was bullied and hurt physically at the hands of an 11 year old boy, which resulted in Lisa Council’s arrest for taking matters in her own hands to protect and defend her daughter.

Domestic violence and abuse is a cycle that tends to repeat itself and often ends in tragedy or a broken spirit that lasts a lifetime.

This episode should speak to women who choose to remain in abusive relationships for whatever reason and for the abuser who chooses to abuse.

Watch Lisa Council’s amazing video and your life will be changed.

020 Domestic Abuse – Why She Stayed and How She Left

Lynn Strange and Sonja Pitts share how they got into a domestically abusive relationship in the first place.  Understand what makes a woman stay after the first hit from their abuser.

Learn how victims of abuse cope from day to day and marvel at the courage it takes for them to leave.  Learn how to recognize the warning signs of a potential abuser, the most important changes victims of abuse should make, how to survive and the smartest and safest ways to leave.