102 A Conversation with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

102 Michael eric dysonDr. Michael Eric Dyson, is a best selling author who is acclaimed for his writings on Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Tupac Shakur, Bill Cosby, Hurricane Katrina, and most recently, President Barack Obama in his most recent book titled “The Black Presidency,”

In this riveting episode, Dr. Dyson shares his perspectives regarding police brutality, black on black crime, voting, freedom of speech, martial law, the GOP Convention (Donald Trump), gun control, the importance of reading, and more.

Dr. Dyson is a Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University, a world renown media commentator, and he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University.

063 What’s Going On In The World Today?

Whats-Going-On2Dr. and Pastor Alfonzo Surrett, Dr. Bruce Purnell, and Attorney Talib Karim come together to share their perspectives to answer the question “What’s Going On in the World Today?” regarding issues surrounding fatherhood, single mother households, voting, encounters with police, and the prison industrial complex (PIC).

They will also recommend changes that we can make at the individual level instead of waiting for the government and elected officials to initiate change and enforce our basic human rights.

060 Your Vote Matters

060 Dwight Pettit_Voting5Attorney A. Dwight Pettit talks about why your vote matters, especially during what’s called “off-season” elections.  During off-season elections, citizens can cast their votes for mayors, states attorneys, sheriffs, senators, congressmen, and other important offices and citizen initiatives in their states.

When it comes to the recent incidents of police brutality that people of color and lower socio-economic class have experienced with police across the nation, the election that will take place on November 3, 2015 will allow citizens to vote for new Mayors, Prosecutors, and States Attorneys.  Why is this important?  Here’s why:

1.  Chiefs are appointed by a government entity such as the mayor, city manager.  However, it is the city officials (mayor, city manager, etc.) who have the ultimate say in what each police department (Chief) does.

2.  Sheriffs on the other hand are elected — appointed by the voters of their counties.

It is important to know and understand the initiatives of your mayors, prosecutors, states attorneys, sheriffs, etc. because this is where you can initiate change in the community where you live.  If police brutality is an issue in your community, then you must vote!

Be sure to Google the “Board of Elections” for your state and county for the details specific to where you live.