063 What’s Going On In The World Today?

Whats-Going-On2Dr. and Pastor Alfonzo Surrett, Dr. Bruce Purnell, and Attorney Talib Karim come together to share their perspectives to answer the question “What’s Going On in the World Today?” regarding issues surrounding fatherhood, single mother households, voting, encounters with police, and the prison industrial complex (PIC).

They will also recommend changes that we can make at the individual level instead of waiting for the government and elected officials to initiate change and enforce our basic human rights.

061 How To Heal From Abuse

abuse_violencePastors Lewis and Stephanie Tucker of New Birth Kingdom Church talks about Pastor Lewis L. Tucker Jr.’s book “Damaged Goods: The Restoring Power of the Father’s Love”

In his book Pastor Lewis Tucker states that “the majority of women fall into the category called “damaged goods” due to some form of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse, which leaves them emotionally wounded and mentally scarred.

Pastor Stephanie Tucker, who once considered herself to be “damaged goods” due to childhood sexual abuse, joins Pastor Lewis Tucker to share with women how they can heal and transform themselves from “damaged goods” to “precious gems.”
