098 Getting Unstuck


Unstuck stuck picIf you are having difficulty transitioning out of a relationship, career, or other life situation, Life and Transition Coach, Rene Pierre talks about how to get unstuck out of situations that no longer serve you for the positive.

Rene’s style of Energy Coaching and the “7 Energy Levels” will help you to identify and remove the blockages that may be keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams.

She also demonstrates how to develop your personal mission statement to get you moving in the right direction.

Rene is offering a 30 minute complimentary consultation for anyone saying that they heard her on Make The Change Radio Show.

For more information, contact Rene Pierre at rene@iamphenix.com

095 Detox Your Life and The Principles of Manhood


relax restThis episode consists of two incredible shows packed into one hour of programming.  This episode also includes a tribute to Prince Rogers Nelson, also known as Prince, who passed away on April 21, 2016.  RIP Prince.

Nicole Turner opens up the first half of the show with great insight about detoxing our life emotionally and mentally and how to get it done so that we can improve relationships with ourselves and others.

men manhoodRonald Barnes opens up the second half of the show talking about the qualities that make up the fabric of a man.  Ronald makes clear the differences between being an adult male and being a Man!


094 Girls Against Boys Sagging and the Importance of Voting – Elections 2016


sagging, GABS, pullemup2During the first half of the show, Morgan McCane and her parents talk about an organization that Morgan founded at the age of 15.  Morgan started Girls Against Boys Sagging (GABS) when she told her mom that she was tired of seeing boys walking around with their “dirty” underwear showing.  When Morgan’s mom challenged her to do something about it, Morgan did just that.  Thus was born GABS, a movement against boys sagging, whose message is that women can change men’s minds the most, so women need to ask their men to #pullemup!


voteDuring the second half hour, Judge Eric Nyce, David Grogan, Ervin Reid, and Dennis Borie talk about the early voting process, how to sift through the rhetoric, the electoral process, and of course “The Donald.”


089 The 6 Habits of Highly Resilient People


resilienceDr. Tommy Watson, Author, Speaker, and former football player talks about his awesome book, “The Resilience of Champions!”  Dr. Watson clearly outlines the six habits of highly resilient people in this episode.

Dr. Watson talks about whether resiliency is learned behavior, if we are born with it, and how we can build our resiliency.  And Dr. Watson should know because he went from homeless and living out of  trunk to a star athlete to college graduate, to earning his doctorate, and to a highly successful entrepreneur!

Dr. Watson lost practically everything.  He was able to regained everything back and more based on his love for the Lord and his unwavering determination to bounce back from the many adversities that plagued his life, from childhood into manhood.

Dr. Watson had every reason to give up and quit, due to being born into a drug-addicted household, gang influence, parental imprisonment, home foreclosure, divorce, unpaid bills and more, but he was determined not to give up.  If Dr. Watson can bounce back from so many adversities, then so can we.

Listen to this episode to learn how.


001 Why Is Change So Difficult?


ChangeIsGood.jpgIs Change Really That Difficult? 

Many people are facing life threatening situations and still will not embrace new behaviors that could save their lives.  Many people dread getting up five days out of the week because they hate their jobs, yet they refuse to look for a new one. Many couples elect to live in an unhappy home environment and refuse to make changes that could lead to happiness. The guests on today’s show offered some interesting insights regarding why many of us find it difficult to change even when it could be the best thing for us and lead to happiness and success. Check out their brief bios and read their prescription for how we can take the “Difficulty” out of “Change” and start moving closer to living the life we desire and deserve.

Taking the “Difficulty” out of “Change” begins with thinking differently about change.  You must first embrace the fact that it is normal to feel uncomfortable when you step out of your comfort zone or have to let go of something you want to hold on to.  These thoughts and feelings are on “autopilot.”

So the next thing you must do is start reprogramming those thoughts on autopilot.  How do you do this?  By making a conscious effort to find everything positive that could result from your situation.  Write them down so you can access them when you need to.  Say them out loud the moment the negative thoughts begin to surface and focus on the positive benefits every time.

Now, instead of focusing on what you have to endure or give up, which makes “Change” appear difficult, you will now be focusing on the positive benefits you will derive, and “Change” will gradually become more exciting and exhilarating!

 Change appears to be difficult because as children we were conditioned to believe that stepping outside of our comfort zone for any reason, was uncomfortable.

We learned to feel a sense of loss when we had to let go of things we were not ready to release.

These feelings and behaviors about change are now on “autopilot” and part of our subconscious minds.  The very moment that change becomes necessary, our immediate reaction is to view it as negative and difficult, even before we’ve had a chance to think it through.  Often times, we never think about it at all, we simply react.

So what should we do?  We must learn to disassociate change with difficulty.  Taking the difficulty out of change begins with thinking differently about change.  How do we start thinking differently about change?  We start thinking differently about change by making a conscious effort some important steps:

9 Steps To Take The Difficulty Out Of Change

  1. Pause when confronted with change.
  2. Find quiet time to think about what has to change.
  3. Think about and/or write down everything positive that could result from the change.
  4. Make the list accessible so you can access them when you begin to feel negative or overwhelmed by the change.
  5. Speak them out loud the moment the negative thoughts begin to surface.
  6. Practice focusing on the positive benefits every time.
  7. Get creative.
  8. Have the courage to ask for help.
  9. Pray to God to change your outlook.

Now, instead of focusing on the negative aspect of what you have to endure or give up, which makes change appear difficult, you will now be focusing on the positive benefits you will derive, and change will gradually become less difficult and more exciting!